3 Strategies to Prepare Turf for Drought Stress

Every summer your turf will be exposed to potential drought stress. Some years it could be as minimal as a week, or other years; like last year in 2022, it could be months. After the onset of drought conditions, it is very difficult to revive your lawn without intervention. At Central we are here to help you with proactive strategies to get ahead by asking yourself, “What can I do to prepare my lawn for drought and heat stress?” 

1. The best drought and heat stress prevention can begin a year prior

Choosing the correct turf type for your annual seeding is essential in protecting your turf for the future. There are some incredible drought and heat resistant turf varieties of seed out there to choose from for your turf.

  • Turf Type Tall Fescue has long been the leader in stress resistant turf varieties.
  • Central’s All-Star seed lineup provides you with high percentage of strong varieties of Turf-Type Tall Fescue in every bag.
  • When combined with Hudson Valley 15-15-5 Jackpot Starter fertilizer during seeding, you will provide all the necessary macro nutrients for enhanced seed and turf development.
2. Supplying your soil and turf with a balanced fertilizer at the proper times

After your late summer seeding has germinated, a multi nutritional complete fertilizer will help build root mass of your turf.

  • Fall fertilizer applications are the most beneficial applications for root growth and mass.
  • Hudson Valley 17-0-4 Jackpot provides 5 sources of Nitrogen to build strong healthy roots to take on next seasons potential drought and heat stress.
3. Protection for the summer months

When late spring rolls around and pre-emergent applications are finished, it’s time to start thinking about protecting your turf for the summer months. The three physiological components of summer turf protection are Potassium, Calcium and Water Management.


Potassium is known as the stress defender. It provides protection from drought stress, and also increases cold and wear tolerances. Potassium strengthens the cell walls along with providing enhanced root and shoot growth. The 2 forms of Potassium found in turf fertilizer are Potassium Chloride and Potassium Sulfate. Potassium sulfate is the safest form and provides much needed Sulphur to the plant. HVN Jackpot Defender 10-0-15 was designed to provide 4 optimal forms of nitrogen and potassium Sulphate for protecting your turf in summer. HVN Jackpot Defender can also come loaded with your favorite insecticide to combine applications.  Acelepryn, Merit, Allectus, Talstar are just a few of the options.


Calcium is a vital nutrient for turf. Its importance not only lies in the turf grass plant but also the soil. Calcium works symbiotically with other Macro nutrients including Potassium to strengthen the cell walls and provide drought and heat stress Tolerance. It aides in the uptake of nutrients and encourages good respiration within the plant.  but calcium also plays a major role in Soil physics. Calcium improved water and oxygen penetration into and through the soil. Talk to your local Central turf representative about HVN Enhanced Calcium Products.


Water Management

Wetting agents have become very popular in the lawn care market over the past few years. Wetting agents help move water deeper into the soil and help spread water across the turf surface evenly, preventing dry spots.


HVN Jackpot Flex 7-0-5 with Waterguard technology will provide you a great summer green up, drought and heat stress prevention and water management. Ask your local Central rep about the availability in your area. This is something you can do right now to prepare your turf for summer drought stress!




Whether you have fertilizer, chemical, or seed questions the Central team is here to help! Our team has decades of experience in agronomics and turf management. As a strategic partner, Central can work with you to create plans that produce healthy turf for you and your customers that are efficient and profitable.