Ask The Expert: Turf Planning and Strategy for 2023

As summer has faded into fall this year, turf and ornamental professionals have all eyes on finishing strong this difficult season. However, it is imperative that time is allocated to planning and preparing already for the 2023 season. Early preparation has never been more important than over the past few years as product shortages, higher prices, and other external factors have impacted our industry. Below Austin Marsteller, Central’s Turf Category Director for Chemicals, will outline two great ways to plan now to secure your business for next year.

Leveraging Early Order Programs

One way to add to your success now for the 2023 season, is to take advantage of the current Early Order Programs (EOP’s) at Central.

For lawn care operators, golf course superintendents, and other turf professionals the Early Order Programs may seem overwhelming, time consuming, and often difficult to grasp how it fits into the overall picture of your business for next season while still trying to close out and evaluate the current season. However, there is tremendous value in what the Early Order Programs offer a business, some of which include:

  • Substantial Product Rebates
  • Extended Terms
  • Cash Discounts
  • Bundling Offers
  • Product Security

Those benefits ultimately bring value to your business by adding to your bottom line and helping to maximize profits. Remember, sourcing product is an inevitable task to start the 2023 season. So, why not lock in your needs now and take advantage of what the Early Order Programs have to offer?! These EOP’s provide discounts and extended payment terms across the products you need for next season such as fertilizers, seed, chemicals, and some equipment tools. Combine this with our manufacturer end-user rebates for even more savings. Many of the Early Order Programs are ongoing now and have eligibility deadlines heading into late October and early November depending on the manufacturer and program.

Many of us think of the Early Order Program as the time to get the best rebates and/or the best terms on products. Yes, that’s a major component, but more recently taking advantage of Early Order Programs has brought something even more powerful to you as a business owner or industry professional, product security! Locking in your product needs and orders now helps to ensure suppliers have a clear expectation of your needs well ahead of next season allowing more time to fulfill those requests in the current market dynamics today.

Working with A Dedicated Distribution Rep

I can’t stress enough, beyond the rebates and savings of the Early Order Programs, Central is here to help you prepare now to ensure you have the products you need, when you need them, for the 2023 season. Now is the best time to meet with someone from our highly skilled, knowledgeable team so you can plan and forecast together. Central reps can offer valuable resources for planning and forecasting, by:

  • Retrieving your purchase history to go over with you the products you buy the most of; and the most often to help forecast and plan your 2023 season
  • Helping you to identify the current state of your business by S.W.O.T. Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
  • Providing information on discounts, terms, Counter Day sales, and other savings opportunities as branches move out inventory from 2022 to make room for 2023

Central is your partner for success! Be sure to schedule a fall planning meeting with your Central representative to help your business effectively plan for 2023. We stay at the leading edge of the industry and we’re ready to help you grow with efficiency and solutions.

About Austin Marsteller

Austin has a decade of experience in the Green Industry, a degree in Turfgrass Science from Penn State University and an MBA from Louisiana State University-Shreveport. His career has been heavily focused in turf and ornamental on the manufacturer side, and most recently in agriculture specifically in bio stimulants, adjuvants, and specialty fertilizers. Austin works closely with all the employees and partners of Central to provide superior service and solutions to our turf and ornamental customers.