November brings the Turf and Ornamental markets’ 2023 season across the country into the rearview mirror. Many of you probably faced some of the same challenges as previous years, but a few other new challenges may have surfaced. Fortunately supply chain disruptions for the most part eased in our industry, especially into the second half 2023. As a Turf and …
Seasonality of Drainage
At Central, we sell a variety of products that are dependent on the season. Turf and fertilizer applications are dictated by the temperature, amount of sunlight and time of year. Putting down a pre-emergent in the fall would have no effect and leave your customers wondering why you would ever apply this at a time of year when you will …
Pop-Up Emitters: The Perfect Solution
When it comes to discharging a drainage system, no one part is more accepted and widely used than a pop-up emitter. As one of the country’s top selling wholesale distributors, Central Turf & Irrigation Supply sees pop up emitters as one of the most important drainage items at Central and the “set it and forget it” approach of one emitter …
The 3 Best Options for Managing Surface Water
Surface water is one of the largest nuisances you will find when identifying drainage issues. The most obvious clue will always be the appearance of standing water that lingers for days after a rain event. Another clue to look for is the feeling of a “squishy” or saturated area of lawn. This area will often be completely soaked; meaning that …
Fall is for Drainage!
The Fall presents the ideal window to address many of the ills that are created by the stress and heat of the summer. Turf and plant material that has been under of the constant stress of heat, humidity, over watering, underwatering and any other less than optimal environmental condition, have the reprieve heading into the cooler, shorter and less temperamental …
Channel Drains – The What, the Why and the How
When capturing stormwater, you have several options. Area drains are easily placed in low spots to collect excess water and allow it to enter a drainage system. This works well when the grade of the land is easily altered, and a central low spot is either preexisting or easy to create. The question of how to capture stormwater when the …
Calculating Drainage – The Rational Method
When considering the details of installing a drainage project on a property we often see a common mistake play itself out over and over; the contractor guesses on the particulars. The size of the pipe, capture device and even the storage of storm water often comes down to habit and a “one size fits all” approach. Eric Cummings, Central’s Drainage …
Storm Water Management – The Why and the How
The reasons for installing a drainage solution are often very simple and straightforward; you have water where you don’t want water! Central’s Category Director for Drainage, Eric Cummings, is here to walk you through the Why and the How of drainage so you can tackle these issues, creating immediate value and success on your drainage projects. WHY DRAINAGE? There are …
Spring Drainage Tips: PVC vs Corrugated Pipe
PVC vs Corrugated Pipe: Choosing the best Conveyance for your project When it comes to choosing a pipe type for a drainage project, contractors tend to defer to what they are comfortable with. “We only use corrugated” or “we only use PVC” is a mantra we at Central hear over and over again. Being tied to a type of pipe …
Diversification for Profitability: Drainage, The Forgotten Service
Landscape, Irrigation, Lawn Care, Hardscape, whatever type of contractor you may be, you are probably overlooking a service that every client has a need for…drainage! Providing drainage solutions can easily be added to your services list to enhance your job proposals and set you apart from the competition. From basic drainage issues to more involved issues, simple solutions are available …